
The big gap


2 min

The kickoff for monetary easing seems, finally, to have been launched. Sweden, in fact, joined the club of the first rate cuts last week. After the Swiss National Bank in March, the Riksbank decided last Wednesday to lower its key rates for the first time in 8 ...

The big gap


The kickoff for monetary easing seems, finally, to have been launched. Sweden, in fact, joined the club of the first rate cuts last week. Af ....

The Fed is taking its time (for now)


As the prospects of monetary easing from the Fed became more and more distant, we finally had some answers last week. So yes, the institutio ....

Jerome Powell backpedal


The consequences of tensions in the Middle East are, for the moment, still relatively minimal for the financial markets, like, for example, ....

Bad times for US doves


Again. After the employment report two weeks ago, the publication of the American inflation report for the month of March also came out beyo ....

Madame Lagarde, shoot first!


So where will the American economy end? The resilience of the world's largest economy, especially in a context of restrictive interest rates ....

The Fed will soon be making choices


If the financial markets took advantage of the long Easter weekend to take a break before starting a new quarter, the publication of macroec ....

The wind has not changed direction


The strength of American macroeconomic data at the start of the year undermined the overly optimistic scenario of a significant and rapid re ....

The Nvidia frenzy


In a US equity market driven by the theme of generative artificial intelligence models and more generally by technologies linked to AI, inve ....

Inflation: the false flat (amount) before arrival?


The latest American inflation figures, published last week for the month of January, came out above expectations and dampened the hopes of t ....