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Do you prefer to set goals, entrust day-to-day responsibility to your dedicated manager, and stay informed ?
Our moral commitment leads us to the greatest management discipline, through a rigorous process that respects your objectives and constraints, integrating risk management at its heart, starting from an allocation sufficiently diversified to minimize market setbacks and sufficiently selective to seize opportunities.
The definition of a mandate requires an in-depth preliminary discussion with regard to your preferences.
We select together excellent depository banks of local or international renown, and can support you with competitive commission structures by aligning our respective interests.
Do you want to exclude certain sectors, or integrate environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria into your assets ?
This approach resonates favorably with our corporate culture, which recognizes ESG criteria as a source of sustainable performance, allowing us to stay away from value-destroying investments or controversial companies. Our parent company Auris Gestion has signed the PRI Principles for Responsible Investment, and pays particular attention to these criteria and their compliance by its partners.

Do you prefer to remain in control of your portfolio management and benefit from a discussion with your advisor ?
Supported by the expertise of its teams, Auris Wealth Management provides you with financial market intelligence and targeted investment recommendations.
To seize tactical opportunities consistent with your strategy, we offer you an advisory mandate based on a privileged relationship of trust and personalized advice, according to previously established and tailor-made specifications.
Fund representation
Swiss Representative of Foreign Collective Investment Schemes (CIS) distributed in Switzerland to Qualified Investors
Auris Wealth Management is authorized by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) to represent foreign Collective Investment Schemes distributed in Switzerland to Qualified Investors and, since 2015, represents a select “best of breed” range of such CIS.
Taken over by the specialized Bastions Partners Office teams, this activity has developed over a long period of time and illustrates a regulatory and technical mastery, as well as a large network of relationships at the service of specialized managers wishing to be guided in a personalized way on the Swiss market.

« auris gestion » MUTUAL FUNDS
Would you like to discover the range of funds managed by the specialized asset management division of our parent company Auris Gestion ?
It highlights skills linked to its core internal know-how, in particular asset allocation and the selection of European stocks and bonds. In addition, management delegations are implemented with partners, international leaders or experts in investment niches, carefully selected for their mastery of differentiating and high added value processes.
Most of the funds in the Auris Gestion range are sub-funds of its Luxembourg SICAV, offered in UCITS format and registered with the Swiss FINMA authorities. These funds are available in several share classes, in several reference currencies compatible with an international allocation.
« partnership » MUTUAL FUNDS
As part of the takeover of the Bastions Partners Office businesses, we passionately select and market funds representing alternative strategies that we believe are relevant and that constitute niches off the beaten track and with high diversification potential.

Ulf Snellman has joined Auris Wealth Management as Managing Director and Managing Partner. Ulf Snellman has over 25 years of experience in finance, spanning an international journey from Stockholm, London, before settling in Geneva in 2006. Within Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken (SEB), he held several key positions, including Financial Controller and International Internal Auditor, before contributing to the implementation of SEB Private Bank in London.
With its essential skills in controlling risks and financial markets, Ulf has developed a private clientele there, as senior manager, integrating both investment advice and discretionary management.
Ulf Snellman's career continued in Geneva private banking, at Coutts, then at Barclays, as head of a group of wealth managers, before joining Auris Wealth Management in October 2018 to lead its development.
Manfredo Radicati di Primeglio joined Auris Wealth Management in January 2022. A graduate in economics from Bocconi University in Milan, he began his career in London in 1992 as a financial analyst at Schroders, then developed his skills in institutional management.
From 1996 Manfredo Radicati di Primeglio took responsibility for European equity research, and from 1999 joined the Group's private management department.
Back in Switzerland in 2001, he worked as a private manager with Bank Julius Baer, before becoming independent manager in 2003.
He started his career in 1981 when he joined Kidder Peabody in Geneva and New York. In 1985 he was Assistant General Manager at Chemical Bank responsible for the development of Western Hemisphere private clients. He then joined Banque Heritage in 1991 as a Managing Partner. He was responsible for broadening the Private Banking department and in charge of the Trading department since 2000. Antonio Bravo was one of the Managing and Founding Partners of Bastions Partners Office SA, founded in July 2013.ERIC HEUZÉ
Eric Heuzé has been in the business of relationship and investment management since 1982 when he started his career at Brown Brothers Harriman in New York. He subsequently held positions at Chase Manhattan Bank in New York and Barclays Bank in Geneva. In 2000, he became a Managing Partner of Banque Heritage in Geneva. In 2013, he founded with two of his existing partners, Louis-Frédéric de Pfyffer and Antonio Bravo, Bastions Partners Office SA. Eric specific expertise in relationship and investment management in different geographical locations bring a unique approach and expertise to the wealth management business.
Louis-Frédéric de Pfyffer, graduated in Business Administration at HEC, University of Lausanne. Following an early career at Nestlé USA and with Prudential-Bache in New York, he became General Manager of Gutzwiller SA, the Geneva subsidiary of the Basel Private Bank. From 1993 to 2013 he was a Managing Partner at Banque Heritage in charge of Alternative Investments. Louis-Frédéric de Pfyffer was then founding partner and co-manager of Bastions Partners Office SA where he was responsible for the development of alternative portfolios and products.ARMAND DU PONTAVICE
Michel Brulhart holds a degree in business administration from the University of Geneva. He worked at Heritage Bank in investment funds. He has a long and solid experience in this field. In 2013, he joined Bastions Partners Office SA. For more than 10 years, he was responsible for the risk & compliance function and was responsible for compliance of the representation of collective investments (CISA Compliance). Michel Brulhart was also in charge of the company's finance and administration.
A graduate of the EHL Swiss School of Tourism and Hospitality in 1996, Fabrice Santoni began his career by co-managing a large restaurant.
Fabrice Santoni financial skills were subsequently developed over 18 years of experience as a "middle officer" and then as an IT manager within Exane, an internationally renowned financial intermediary based in Geneva : in this context Fabrice Santoni has followed developments in the Swiss and European regulatory environments and then supplemented his know-how by training as a “compliance officer”, certified in 2021.
In addition to ensuring this responsibility at Auris Wealth Management, Fabrice Santoni monitors all risks and acts as DPD - Delegate to Data Protection.
Julien Huguenin studied international relations, economics and management at the University of Geneva and completed various internships, notably with Ernst & Young. Julien Huguenin joined GADD Wealth Management as a management assistant and from 2021 also covers the Compliance function. He joined Auris Wealth Management in 2022 to support a client merger and strengthen its operational resources.
Endrit Karagjozi has an extensive experience in the domain of financial services and joined Bastions Partners Office SA in 2014. Prior to that he was a lawyer with Philip Morris International (2003 - 2004) and Faisal Private Bank (2005 – 2013). He holds a JD Degree and a LLM in Business Law from University of Geneva. At Auris Wealth Management SA, Endrit deals mainly with the activity of representation of foreign funds offered to qualified investors in Switzerland.